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Nanna’s gingernut biscuits

There are times that I absolutely love to make things that I have made a hundred times before. There is something extremely comforting about knowing a recipe like the back of your hand and knowing the steps inside out. Most of these types of recipes come from my Nanna or my Mum. […]

Lemon yoghurt cake

Visiting friends or having friends over always gives me a great excuse to bake and I often like to try something different. My recipes come from a range of sources such as my Mum, my Nanna, other people blogs, the internet in general and sometimes they are given to […]

Fuyu dessert cake

I love finding new produce or products that I have never used before. I’ve even been known to purchase items without really having any idea what they might taste like or how to use them and bringing them home just to experiment. For me, this is part of the joy […]

Blondies (white chocolate & pecan brownies)

Baking is one of my pleasures in life that I don’t need an excuse to do. Although, I always seem to have a good reason for the things that I make, whether it be taking a dessert to someone’s place for dinner or simply because our […]

Passionfruit biscuits

Upon our return from holidays I restocked the fridge with fresh fruit and vegetables ready for the week ahead. As I was doing so I discovered three passionfruit that looked a little worse for wear. I thought about throwing them out but then I remembered that when looking for good […]

Chocolate chip cookies

Cookies (or biscuits if you live down under) are one of those things that can make anyone weak at the knees when they are fresh from the oven, especially if they are chocolate chip cookies. I think that people who love baking are always on the hunt for the best […]

Cinnamon roll muffins

Sunday is normally the day when I have a small window of time to bake a little and it is a time that I treasure. Baking is something that makes me feel satisfied, brings a warm feeling to my heart and makes me feel like I […]

Snap, Crackle & Pop at work – Muesli slice

When I was a child I loved the Kelloggs Rice Bubbles (Rice Krispies for those people not in Oz) ad on TV. Snap, Crackle and Pop were the three character who bought the breakfast cereal to life. Unfortunately not even my adoration for them meant that I was committed to the cereal for […]

In need of a sweet treat – Orange polenta biscuits

Today was one of those days when I sincerely appreciated how the world works. You know what I mean, when things just seem to work out for the best. This morning I was supposed to go for an early walk with a girlfriend I haven’t seen in some time, but […]