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Burger and chips thermomix style

Lately the weather in Perth has been a little wild and wet causing me to rug up and wish for summer. Given that the warmer months are still a little way off I thought I’d inject our lives with a little “sunshine” by making something that I love to eat […]

“Bonnie” (Dog) biscuits

When I think about what we ate before purchasing our Thermomix it was quite different to what we eat now. At the time I used to think we had quite a healthy diet. Lots of fruit and vegetables, red meat a few times a week, chicken and never enough fish […]

Lemon curd

Like many other households, winter tends to be the time of year when comfort food hits our table. Dishes like curry, pasta, casserole and all those heart warming things that make you feel snug when it is cold outside. And while I love all that winter brings at times I […]

Cranberry and almond toasted muesli

As mentioned in previous posts, eating a healthy breakfast is important to both G & I. In winter we usually enjoy a bowl of porridge and in the warmer months we both like some kind of cereal. I’ve been making quite a bit of bircher recently but G wanted a change. Normally […]

Sourdough bread

I’ve been making my own bread for many years. My Dad inspired me to start baking it because whenever I used to go and visit my parents he would bake a fresh loaf (something he normally did on a weekly basis) because he knew how much I loved it. Initially I used […]

Make your own – Lamb stock

In cooking, there are certain things that are just better made at home, even if they are a little time consuming. Stock is one of those things that, whenever I have the time, I like to make myself. There are some very good chicken and beef stocks on the market so I […]

Make you own – Garam marsala

Some people find cooking with spices confusing but for me it is one of my favourite things. I love being able to create such depth and layers of flavours while also keeping things light and bright on the palate and this is something that I consider exciting and challenging. Therefore, […]

Make your own – Caramalised onions

I was so pleased when I woke up this morning and the temperature had dropped overnight and that today was expected to be 30°C (86°F). We have had so many days of hot weather, even up to 42°C (107°F), that it has made being in a small, hot kitchen rather difficult. Given the […]

Make your own – Port soaked figs

I almost ran out of port soaked figs! To some of you that may not sound like a crisis but my pork fillet stuffed with wild rice, port soaked figs and marinated feta just won’t be the same without them. So off I […]